
Jan 11, 2011

War-Plane Showpiece with Wheels & Propeller -A Fighter Pilot’s love affair..

A Fighter Pilot’s love ..

As a kid, war-planes used to amaze me! Their suave streamline bodies, the sharp wings and the lightning fast speed by which they flew above our heads used to surprise me. Raised in an Air Force Officers’ colony I have been in love with fighter planes…and pilots too! I can claim to have read almost every book on fighter planes that I could lay my hands on. I have also seen almost all movies that have war planes have been centre to the plot line. But most importantly, I have a Classic Metallic War-Plane Showpiece with Wheels & Propeller placed in one corner of my living room.
Oh boy, I sound like such a romantic! No, I am not a fighter-pilot; nor a fighter-pilot’s wife either! But so what? Should that stop me from admiring man’s greatest discovery? So, while you hurry up and purchase the Classic Metallic War-Plane Showpiece with Wheels & Propeller, I am quickly jotting down the top five aircraft related movies that you can watch with a big bag of popcorn after... Continue..